Tandem paragliding flight

Participants min.: 2

Flying in two with tandem paragliding flying over the splendid Alassio, its sea and landing on the beach. It is a fantastic experience accessible to all for which no medical certificate is required and there are no age limits. The tandem paragliding activity in Alassio is open from October 1st to April 30th, always after verification of the suitable space for landing on the beach. The main take-off is from Monte Pisciavino at about 600m above sea level, one of the highest in Liguria. Alternatively, depending on the weather conditions, it is also possible to take off from the Puerta flight. The ascent to take-off takes place with our shuttle, the overall duration of the experience is about 1 hour. Fly Alassio fly with Us!


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Besoins Besoins


Services inclus Services inclus

Équipement Équipement

Conditions de paiement Conditions de paiement

Informations sur l'annulation Informations sur l'annulation

Difficulté Difficulté

Bon à savoir Bon à savoir

Point de rencontre Point de rencontre

 Matériel de location Matériel de location


Horaires d'ouvertures Horaires d'ouvertures

Prix Prix

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Infos et contacts

Liguria Adventure Parapendio e Outdoor
0039 349 6762389 liguriadventure@gmail.com
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Concept, Design, Web:

Kumbe s.r.l.
www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it


  • Emerson Fortunato
  • Marco Zanardi
  • Mola Mola Dive Team
  • VI Continente Diving Center
  • Giardini di Villa della Pergola
  • Thalasso and Medical SPA Grand Hotel Alassio
  • Golf di Garlenda
  • Mattia Righello
  • Un Mondo di Colori
  • Willie Boehmer
  • Giannicola Marello.



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